Halal Inspection Institutions
Scope of Halal Inspection Institutions
Halal Certification Process Flow
Halal Certification Documents
Certification Scheme
Certification Fee
Laboratory Facilities
Customer Directory
Halal Inspection Institutions
Halal Inspection Institutions
Halal Inspection Institutions Center for Standardization and Industrial Services (BSPJI) Bandar Lampung, based on the Recommendation Letter from the Chairperson of Halal Inspection Institutions Accreditation Team Executive Board Number: A0044/TIM-AK/LPH-LHLN/RK.01.01/03/2023 stated that it has been registered with the number: REG RI LH A-1P10000010441823 valid March 15, 2023 – March 15, 2027 (5) five years.
- 1. Law Number 33 of 2014 concerning Halal Product Assurance
- 2. Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation
- 3. Government Regulation Number 39 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of the Halal Product Assurance Sector
- 4. SNI ISO/IEC 17065:2012
Scope of Halal Inspection Institutions
Scope of Halal Inspection Institutions at BSPJI Bandar Lampung
The following is the scope of the Halal Inspection Institution at the Bandar Lampung Center for Standardization and Industrial Services (BSPJI).
No | Kategori | Ruang Lingkup |
1 | Commodities | Foods |
2 | Commodities | Drinks |
Halal Certification Process Flow
Halal Certification Documents
Halal Certification Documents
List of Halal Certification Documents :
Surat Permohonan
1 file(s) 17.13 KB
Data Perusahaan
1 file(s) 18.10 KB
Data Perusahaan
1 file(s) 18.10 KB
1 file(s) 137 KB
Format Surat Permohonan Sertifikasi Halal
1 file(s) 20.2 KB
1 file(s) 400 KB
Matriks Produk dan Bahan
1 file(s) 42.4 KB
Certification Scheme
Certification Scheme of Halal
List Certification Scheme of Halal :
Certification Fee
Certification Fee
The following is an estimate of the cost of Halal Product Certification for BSPJI Bandar Lampung Products:
No | Jenis Layanan | Satuan | Skala Usaha Mikro/Kecil | Keterangan |
1 | Permohonan & Registrasi ke BPJPH | Per Sertifikat | Rp300,000 | Kepkaban BJPH No.22/2024 |
2 | Biaya Operasional | Per Sertifikat | Rp480,000 | Biaya operasional LPH dihitung 1 (satu) kali |
3 | Biaya UHPD Auditor | Per Orang Per Hari | Dalam Kota: 150.000 Luar Kota Dalam Provinsi: 380.000 | – Tranport dan akomodasi disediakan Pelaku Usaha atau sesuai SBM yang berlaku – UHPD dihitung sesuai dengan jumlah mandays (UHPD x mandays) |
4 | Unit Cost Total Berdasarkan Jenis Produk: a. Makanan dan Minuman | Mandays Berdasarkan Jumlah Produk yang Diperiksa: 0–50 = 2 51–100 = 3 101–200 = 4 > 200 = 5 | Unit Cost | Unit cost dihitung sesuai dengan jumlah mandays (unit cost x mandays) |
Tarif sertifikasi halal berdasarkan Kepkaban 22-2024 – Perubahan IV Kepkaban 141 Tahun 2021
Laboratory Facilities
Laboratory Facilities
Public Service Room and Service Officers
Operational Room of the Halal Inspection Agency BSPJI Bandar Lampung
Laboratory Room of Halal Inspection Institution BSPJI Bandar Lampung
Laboratory Room of Halal Inspection Institution BSPJI Bandar Lampung
Customer Directory
Customer Directory
The following are the customers of the BSPJI Bandar Lampung Halal Inspection Institute.
No | Name | STTD number | Product |
1 | Nayra Cookie | SH2023-1-1261414 | Produk Bakeri |
2 | CV Garam Alam | SH2024-1-079621 | Garam, rempah, sup, saus, salad, serta produk protein |
3 | CV Bella Citera Persada | SH2024-1-238796 | Garam, rempah, sup, saus, salad, serta produk protein |
4 | CV Ingga N Daru Jaya | SH2024-1-356465 | Garam, rempah, sup, saus, salad, serta produk protein |
5 | Roman Bakery | SH2024-1-329342 | Produk Bakeri |
6 | CV Mesya Mandiri Jaya | SH2024-1-311993 | Garam, rempah, sup, saus, salad, serta produk protein |
7 | CV Anugrah Berkat Mandiri Sejahtera | SH2024-1-363575 | Garam, rempah, sup, saus, salad, serta produk protein |
8 | Cahaya Roti | SH2024-1-370458 | Produk Bakeri |
9 | CV Kreasi Boga Sukses | SH2024-1-367162 | Produk Bakeri |
10 | RM Ibu Juju | SH2024-1-488205 | Penyediaan makanan dan minuman dengan pengolahan |
11 | UD Anugrah Tani | SH2024-1-489923 | Serelia |
12 | CV Fahri Chicken Food | SH2024-1-507279 | Penyediaan makanan dan minuman dengan pengolahan |
13 | RISKY MAKMUR LAMPUNG | SH2024-1-496578 | Makanan ringan siap santap |
14 | Rumah Kue Amor | SH2024-1-488702 | Produk Bakeri dan kue |
15 | CV Rasa Sukma Kotabumi | SH2024-1-520887 | Garam Konsumsi Beriodium |
16 | Rimba Today / Murti Rahayu | SH2024-1-520238 | Ayam dan Bebek Ungkep |
17 | CV MHJ Jaya | SH2024-1-520890 | Garam Konsumsi Beriodium |
18 | CV Mahameru | SH2024-1-529520 | Tepung Tapioka |
19 | PT Huse Nusantara Group | SH2024-1-605215 | Kopi |
20 | Nasi Cokot Minan | SH2024-1-525721 | Nasi Cokot |
21 | Silangit | SH2024-1-605442 | Produk Bakeri |
22 | PT Ersh Satu Qomaro | SH2024-1-522190 | Industri Minyak Goreng Sawit |
23 | Dapur Khaira | SH2024-1-605919 | Produk Bakeri |
24 | Imaple Bakery | SH2024-1-608064 | Produk Bakeri |
25 | Perkumpulan Mandiri Jaya Bersama (YOMILK) | SH2024-1-522905 | Susu Bubuk Kambing |
26 | Omah Jajan Lampung | SH2024-1-522042 | Bakso goreng, seblak goreng, dan aneka keripik |
27 | Osana | SH2024-1-604641 | Nugget ayam, kaki naga ayam, rollade ayam |
28 | CV Harapan Jaya | SH2024-1-604387 | Garam Konsumsi Beriodium |
29 | CV Bintang Jaya Kalirejo | SH2024-1-607685 | Garam Konsumsi Beriodium |
30 | PT Jatra Babe Salim | SH2024-1-607293 | Air Mineral Dalam Kemasan |
31 | J’dak Coffee / Sutopo | SH2024-1-628392 | Kopi |
32 | PT Tirta Krawang Asri | SH2024-1-628345 | Industri Air Kemasan |